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Beautiful Mother Earth

Now more than ever, we need peaceful warriors for our planet. Mother Earth is calling us to reclaim the survival our collective union. In order for us to thrive, Mother Earth must survive. She is our foundation and our backbone. Humans are directly affected by everything that is done to the earth.

We have a symbiotic relationship that is delicate yet strong. We are living in an age of disconnection from the natural world. This must change Now. If it doesn’t there will be grand consequences for us all. We must become connected and intimate with Mother Earth. Like our indigenous ancestors always knew and practiced, we are one with her.

We need to love her like we love our children. Cherish and hold the unlimited bounty she offers us with gratitude. How do we deepen our relationship with Mother Earth? How do we begin to feel an interdependent union that is an integrated part of us and not in separation?

In order for anyone to feel and become deeply concerned for the environment, we need to recognize it just like anything we normally love. The earth is alive just as we are. She grows new life out of her soil at every moment just like we grow our limbs and hair. The same energetic life essence courses vibrantly within us both. It is this unifying, conscious energy that connects us all as one.

The magical benefits of fresh air

Getting acquainted and closer to Mother Earth starts with just simply being present outside. A breath of fresh air is a powerful force. There is something magical about it. It’s invigorating and paradoxically calming at the same time.

There is a mysterious, positive resonance that occurs while being outdoors. This is similar to the way a tuning fork synchronously vibrates a neighboring fork right next to it. We eventually become attuned to the beneficial grounded presence of the Mother Earth when we are present with her. It’s a multisensory experience that is healing to the mind, body and spirit.

It’s amazing how much being stuck inside the box of a building dulls our senses without us knowing it. It draws us away from the deep feeling of who we truly are, if we’re not careful on where we place our attention. It stagnates our energy and creates a buildup akin to that of sludge accumulating in standing water. Essentially it threatens the healthy flow of our life energy if we aren’t conscientious of maintaining these subtleties.

Take a break, relax and enjoy being outside!

Once we can finally get outside and feel refreshed we should experiment with something that benefits our overall balance. Try and spend some time alone in nature. Go sit against our favorite tree or sprawl out on the grass. If we can, take off our shoes and socks and walk around a bit or sit with our feet on the ground. Start out spending fifteen minutes doing this and make note of how it makes us feel. It may bore us at first and that’s ok but just be with it. It’s a natural part of the evolving process.

Just sit, observe and watch our thoughts go by like a cloud in the sky. Let go of the temptation to respond and analyze the thoughts that come. It’s ok to just let them float on by like the wind. Begin to place attention on the natural world around us. What do we see, smell, hear and feel?

Notice that we can become aware of an underlying stillness present within the environment. The plants and trees hold an amazing quality that is so still and silent. Just watch this and observe. Don’t analyze anything. Give the mind some time to rest for once. There is no need to think about anything at all for the next fifteen minutes. This is a time to devote to no thinking, just focus on feeling. Gaze at the world passing by in silence as a naturalist would.

The purpose of doing this is to become more intimately present with the whole environment available around us. It’s really just a practice of deeper observation into the places we normally take for granted and rarely fully experience. It so easy to lose touch with nature if we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our dramatic lives. We have the choice to slow down every once in a while and we must do this in order to create balance in our lives.

The healing powers of Mother Nature

There is tremendous self-healing that can occur when we spend quality time in nature. Spend a month doing this practice every other day. Write about the experiences daily as well. At the end, reflect back on how different it makes us feel currently during observation as opposed to what we felt in the beginning. Do we feel more peace when we do this practice? Is it relaxing, refreshing or energizing? If we’ve honestly put in the genuine effort we will notice a positive change in how we feel.

These are the healing powers of Mother Earth that are available at all times. We need to remember this authentic, ancient connection that has so often been forgotten by modern humanity and our so called civilized lives. Once we feel this relationship rediscovered, we naturally begin to have a deep concern for the health of our planet because we realize it is an intimate part of us.

Mother Earth is a natural extension of our being. If we are polluting her we are directly hurting ourselves. She holds and recycles the space for the circle of life we take part in. The air we need to breath comes directly from the trees and plants she grows. If we destroy the Earth we are literally choking off ourselves as well. All life is interdependent and connected as a whole evolving system. Let’s do our part in protecting this wonderful gift of life we have been given. Live with loving kindness and act with heartfelt care for our beautiful Mother Earth.

Copyright-2016-David DeWolf

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